Letting Friends Go

After 16 years here in Atlanta as an adult, I am amazed at the number of people who have come and gone through my life during that time period.  God merges our paths and then separates us. All the while I must choose thankfulness. I wish I could hold onto every friend forever. But that’s impossible.

Even though technology allows us to connect when apart, nothing adequately replaces meeting face to face and sharing a laugh, a cry, a word of encouragement, or just a random story. So when the time comes to say goodbye and part ways, I must relinquish the priceless presence of my friend.

Part of the friendship process is often letting go.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson said after the death of a dear friend, “Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” How true!  Though I do not relish saying goodbye, I never regret the investment we made in each other. Again and again, I have discovered that their influence on me continues and our memories together pleasantly come to mind. So, in a very real sense, my friends remain with me though we are miles apart.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com


  1. I am so blessed to have friends in Ohio and Kansas City. We have been friends for 54 years. When we are together, it’s like we were never apart. Fanny Crosby wrote, “What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear….” Will we feel like that with Christ, when we are together forever? As though we were never apart? I believe we will, particularly if we have spent quality time with Him here in this life where do much distracts us from His presence. KOKO

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